News ID: 2795
Publish Date : 10 June 2018 - 09:43

Iran Car Market: Need to be Organized

When the parliament takes the control of the vehicle market organizing plan, everyone thought that this plan will finalize in less than a month, but now after 50 days this plan is seeking for approval in the parliament building and on the other hand, vehicle price is increasing.
Khodrocar – about 50 days ago the parliament talked about organizing car’s market and they decided to review the plan as an emergency plan but now after a long time nothing happened yet. It seems they are not hurry to analyze this plan and it may take longer to finalize the plan of organizing the car’s market.

Meanwhile, some members of industry and mine commission of the parliament are following this plan seriously, but there is no news about the satisfaction of the minister of Industry, Mine and Trade and even 10 days ago Mohammad Shriatmadari disagreed with the plan but members of industry commission are insisting to execute the plan.

These days, the car market has undergone international and domestic decisions and need to be organized more than ever. The market that its produced cars, monitor of imported cars and type of its vehicles is governmental then the supervision of its need to be governmental too.

There are a lot of criticize about government’s control of the market, but during the recent month domestic and imported vehicle’s price rose too much and they passed 50 million IRRs while there are no added options but the price of these cars increased in a bubble. In this condition, the imported vehicle market faced with 50 percent price increment and most buyers is counting on this market as an investment opportunity. It has been said that some investors sold their home to invest in a vehicle’s market any these kinds of investors are tensioning the market mostly. So monitoring the vehicle market is important.

The government has a bad experience in controlling the car market. Launching the competing council and monitoring the car price increased the prices step by step instead of lowering the price and make them stable. The point of making this council was monitoring the price and preventing price increment, but the price of the factory and the price of the market was different while there was not supervised and fine to cut the hand of jobbers in the market.

In vehicle experts’ opinion, part of the price rise and unbalanced market in recent days is because of the recent competition council talks. According to that some vendors are increasing their prices. The competition council will announce the price of under 45 million IRRs cars till the middle of Khordad.  

After 50 days passed the plan of organizing the car market it seems that this plans has been forgotten or the power of automakers is more than what we think is and they don’t let a supervisor to control their work.

Right now, nothing is clear about the exact time of this plan execution. "The parliament will start its work in Sunday and cars are not reviewing currently.” Vali Maleki, member of industry commission of the parliament told Khodrocar reporter. "Organizing the car market will be reviewed in the following week.” Saeed Bastani, member of industry commission Said.  

There is hope to see the parliament is reviewing this plan in the following week, but if it postpone again, then the condition of the car market would be worse. Some think that the car price shouldn’t increased this much and some believe that it should be under control as soon as possible.

Khodrocar Reporter: Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani